Thursday, March 17, 2011


This week it feels like all my workouts are being sabotaged!!!! And my goal of consistency is severely off course!!!

Here's what happened:
Saturday I skied at Sunshine in some wicked snow conditions with a group of avid skiers. So tough day on the legs, but awesome day on the mountain.
Sunday I ditched my bike/brick for a x-country ski at Elk Pass and UP Blueberry Hill. It was another awesome day with sunshine and girlfriends, wouldn't trade it for anything!
Monday I headed for Edmonton. Now, Edmonton got an obscene amount of snow this year, and with the +10 temperatures, the city is a big slush festival. I had hoped (perhaps naively) that the sidewalks along the sunny riverbank would be clear, like they (mostly) are in Calgary. Nope. A min of 4" of slush!!! So my speed work run turned into a stair workout, simply because the stairs were there and I was dressed to run and it was sunny and let's go already. So I did 8 set of stairs behind the Alberta Legislature. Probably not my smartest move.
Tuesday I overslept and missed my swim, then I drove like a mad woman and made it in time for Angie's spin class that I turned into a brick. The bike was hard, the brick felt amazing.
Wednesday I was scheduled to attend a breakfast meeting, but misread the invitation and was in the wrong spot at the right time. Trying to remain positive, I took it as a sign that I now had two free hours, let's go do that swim. Why did my swim feel so entirely wretched? Because I hadnt eaten the breakfast that was scheduled at my meeting. I've never bonked in a pool before, man did that suck. 2300m later I called Richelle, on the verge of tears. She chided me for the stairs, and suggested I forego the 30min easy run that afternoon, and look at a thursday as a fresh start. Great idea.
Let me internet by saying, she was right, the mental break was exactly what I needed. Thank Richelle.
Thursday. Once again I overslept my alarm, so my spin for today is already off kilter. I'm rock climbing with a girlfriend tonite, super excited to have a social life, but now I'm stressng about my bike.
Despite my best efforts, my training this week just seems to be spiraling out of control.
Focus for Friday: put in an honest effort for my LSD of 22km. If that works out, maybe an ez spin in the evening to make my legs feel better.
Wish me luck!!!

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