Monday, December 12, 2011

Change it up

Post Ironman is a tough time for lots of athletes; in fact, a lot of us get a bit depressed to not have a big goal, we are tired, we aren't used to using our social skills... it's mentally tough.  I tried to prepare for the post-Ironman blues by signing up for the Banff Winterstart 8-mile fun run, by getting back into a quasi-workout schedule, and by making sure I spent extra extra time with my family.  For the most part, I'd say the preparations were good:

- Winterstart was fun.  I tagged along with a core group of TTL people, bunked in with Leslie-Ann for the night, and ran up the mountain in the dark.  It wasn't a PB on this course, although certainly a respectable time.  I had fun, it's fun to run fast, I had forgotten that part.  And the girls were great.  We went out for sangria and pizza, then dancing, whew, what a night - thanks ladies!
- My quasi-regular workout schedule: in order to motivate myself, I decided to invest in a new power meter for my bike, the CinQo Quark.  Love.  It.  Wowie wow wow what a great idea!  It's smooth as silk, I love that I can see my effort and keep that effort consistent and know that I'm not cheating on a workout (even unintentionally!).  Great idea. 
- My coach of 3 years has decided to pursue other interests, which threw me for a loop.  I spent considerable time researching and interviewing coaches prior to Ironman, so I had a pretty good idea of the key players in Calgary.  It's also nice to know that there are some new coaches since that time.  I have decided to focus on power for my biking skills so I selected a coach who can best guide me through this skill; he's also got great pedigree and I like his style of coaching.  It's a change, it takes a bit of getting used to, but it's definitely a change for the good. 
- Spend extra time with my family: it's always a good idea to deposit goodwill into the family bank, that way, when I start talking about my next race, I have a bit of street cred to work with! 

And speaking of my next race....

... time to change it up!  I'm going back to my mountain bike this year with a focus on XTerra.  My BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is still top secret, but my "A" race for the 2012 season will be Canadian Nationals, held in Canmore.  That's another change, Nationals has been held for the previous two seasons in Whistler, and with the move to Canmore, this will be more exciting for me.  I'm already excited!  And I'll have to do some mountain bike racing along the way, maybe even some trail running.  It's going to be tough, but I've found my motivation again. 

Are you ready for the ride?  Here we go!

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